For Podiatrists

For Podiatrists

There are many of you out there who are either struggling to stay afloat or are overwhelmed with the stress of running an insurance-dependent practice. I know how you feel. I was there once. Insurance companies pay so low that you are forced to see a very high volume of patients.

That means you have to hire and pay more staff. You have to wrangle through all the hurdles of claim delays (requests for more information that we all know they really don't need), claim denials, chart requests, meager payments, prior authorizations, high deductibles, co-pays, non-covered services, audits and the enormous stress of charting.

There is a better way. I have been practicing functional medicine for 36 years, 23 of those years outside of any insurance-dependency. My patients pay me directly. My A/R has been $0 for 23 years. My expenses have dropped from 70% of gross down to 20% of gross. I have a low volume - high value practice. I have very little stress. I do not deal with insurance companies or Medicare ever on any level. 

So how do you get patients to pay directly? You must provide more value than what is available to them in your insurance-dependent practice. And that is where functional medicine comes in. It provides you with an understanding of WHY your patient crossed the morbidity threshold. When you are trained to identify the underlying mechanisms of pathology, you put the patient on the road to much better health. The efficiency of their immune system improves, enabling you to heal them naturally with supportive therapies rather than suppressive therapies. Patients deeply appreciate the time you devote to their care and it gives them a compelling reason to pay out of pocket. You will change lives the way I have.

The beautiful thing is you will no longer be working hard, you will be working smart. I have created a comprehensive online course to teach you everything you need to know to move away from this awful and stressful way to practice podiatric medicine and surgery. You can become part of our growing family of functional medicine podiatrists who have decided to take control of their professional experience, create and enjoy practice autonomy without third party interference and make a better living on far fewer patients. In this model, you win and your patients win.

Go to our Institute website and read through the site and the testimonials that doctors have submitted regarding their feelings about taking this course. Then, reach out for more information, tuition and logistics of signing up. You will NEVER have a larger RETURN ON INVESTMENT ever like this. And it will also increase the length of your life because your stress level will drop to near zero!

Go to: right now and put yourself on the road to freedom!

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